I learned that if you look long enough for an argument against reason you will find it.
Michael Lewis, Moneyball, Norton, Kindle Edition, Location 4476
I learned that if you look long enough for an argument against reason you will find it.
Michael Lewis, Moneyball, Norton, Kindle Edition, Location 4476
There's a creative act in trying to decide what problem is worth working on in the first place.
Mike Antonucci, "Sparks Fly," Stanford Magazine, March/April 2011, alumni.stanford.edu/get/page/magazine/article/?article_id=28380
On one occasion President Monson said: “We … can choose to have a positive attitude. We can’t direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails. In other words, we can choose to be happy and positive, regardless of what comes our way.”
Thomas Monson, “Messages of Inspiration from President Monson,” Church News, 2 Sep 2012 as quoted in William Walker, "Our Prophet Thomas S Monson," CES Devotional, 5 May 2013,
Let’s start with Henry Ford. If he had asked his customers what they wanted, they would have asked for a faster horse, because they knew they had a problem that a horse seemed to solve (transportation), and they could only think in terms of what they already knew (a horse, but faster). Did Ford really ignore his customers? Not really. He just understood their underlying need better than they did. He realized that what they really needed was not a horse per se, but convenient, affordable transportation. So he threw out the assumptions, reframed the problem at a deeper level, and found a way to bring an emerging product category to the masses.
It’s not that he didn’t pay attention to the customers, but that he paid more attention to the customers than they paid to themselves.
Peter Lewis, "Looking Past the Horse," Midium.com, 3 Aug 2013,
"When I'm feeling good, I want barbecue. And when I'm feeling bad, I just want barbecue more."
Jason Sheehan, "There Is No Such Thing as Too Much Barbecue," This I Believe, npr.org, 29 May 2006, www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=4827993.
In-progress work is uncomfortable, it shows more open questions than answers; and “uncertainty”, as Paul Soulellis wrote in The Manual, “runs counter to how we’re trained to articulate our design values. We’re taught to express clearly and certainly”, but in-progress work is usually not clear yet, craft is messy and dirty, and sometimes you hit a dead end. Facing this is unsettling — maybe especially so for a generation of designers raised with the shiny precision of computers. We love that precision, even if deep down we know that it’s often a lie. The precise numbers of computers can make our work look like we’ve found answers when really all we have are questions, and the only truth we know is vague.
Nina Stössinger, "Sketching Out of My Comfort Zone: A Type Design Experiment," typographica.org, 27 May 2013
typographica.org/reports/sketching-out-of-my-comfort-zone-a-type-design-experiment/ via Robb Perry.
Though absolutely harmonious with the studio's overall filmmaking values, [The Incredibles] was quite unlike the movies Pixar had made before—and that, as Catmull explained, was exactly the point. "We need to have variability, and we need to have people with different ideas. You can't keep repeating the old things. By definition, creativity means thay you try something new."
Karen Paik, To Infinity and Beyond!: The Story of Pixar Animation Studios, Chronicle Books, 2007, p 249.
In addition to the problems every filmmaker faces in wrestling a vision into existence, Docter was facing a web of pressures highly unusual fo a first-time director.
Karen Paik, To Infinity and Beyond!: The Story of Pixar Animation Studios, Chronicle Books, 2007, p 186.
I just really like this description of the creative process - "wrestling a vision into existence." Io Infinity and Beyond is a great read about the creative process behind a movie and a company.
Bandura calls this process "guided mastery." I love that term: guided mastery. And something else happened, these people who went through the process and touched the snake ended up having less anxiety about other things in their lives. They tried harder, they persevered longer, and they were more resilient in the face of failure. They just gained a new confidence. And Bandura calls that confidence self-efficacy -- the sense that you can change the world and that you can attain what you set out to do.
I really believe that when people gain this confidence -- and we see it all the time at the d.school and at IDEO -- they actually start working on the things that are really important in their lives. We see people quit what they're doing and go in new directions. We see them come up with more interesting, and just more, ideas so they can choose from better ideas. And they just make better decisions.
David Kelley, "How to build your creative confidence," TED 2012,
The next thing is that if you want to predict the effect of one species on another, if you focus only on that link, and then you black box the rest, it's actually less predictable than if you step back, consider the entire system -- all the species, all the links -- and from that place, hone in on the sphere of influence that matters most. And we're discovering, with our research, that's often very local to the node you care about within one or two degrees. So the more you step back, embrace complexity, the better chance you have of finding simple answers, and it's often different than the simple answer that you started with.
Eric Berlow, "Simplifying complexity," TEDGlobal 2010, Jul 2010,
Peter Merholz, “'Product designers' and design team evolution," peterme.com, 31 Oct 2012, www.peterme.com/2012/10/31/product-designers-and-design-team-evolution/.