10 January 2011

we found the answer in simplicity

After hundreds of explorations, we found the answer in simplicity...

Now to the actual result: This is a fantastic, confident evolution. If you look at the image of the coffee cups above you realize how clunky the old logo was and just how extraneous its many elements were. It went from four circles/rings to one. It went from two colors to one. It went from three stars to one. Perfect simplification without losing the essence of the brand. That new cup design alone elevates the identity to an actual lifestyle brand more than a retail brand. It has a newfound sophistication that would have been impossible to achieve before.

Armin, "All right Mr. Schultz, I’m Ready for my Close-up," Brand New, underconsideration.com, 6 Jan 2011, www.underconsideration.com/brandnew/archives/all_right_mr_schultz_im_ready_for_my_close-up.php via Rich Goade.