29 October 2007

The best products aren’t the ones with the most features

The best products aren’t the ones with the most features. The best products are those whose features are tightly integrated with the solutions they provide, making them the most usable.

Apple Inc, "Making Design Decisions," Apple Human Interface Guidelines, 9 Jun 2008, p. 28, developer.apple.com/documentation/UserExperience/Conceptual/AppleHIGuidelines/XHIGDesignProcess/chapter_3_section_3.html.

18 October 2007

from the user in

"Leopard is magnificent code architected from the user in, rather than from core technology out."

Tom Yager, "Apple OS X Leopard: A beautiful upgrade," InfoWorld, October 17, 2007.

09 October 2007

field studies - wider range of behaviors

"But field studies are still invaluable; they show us a wider range of behaviors than we see in the laboratory and let us assess the impact of changing contexts and other ethnographic variables."

Jakob Nielsen, "Intranet Usability Shows Huge Advances," Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox, 9 Oct 2007, www.useit.com/alertbox/intranet-usability.html.