29 June 2004

The Tablet PC Nonrevolution

The Tablet PC Nonrevolution: "One of the reasons that the original Palm Pilot was so successful is that its developers weren?t afraid to experiment with new and frequently simpler interaction paradigms. Palm developed on-screen widgets that were easy to use on a small display amidst a lot of visual distractions. It came up with a fast way to switch between applications and an integrated database that freed users from thinking about files and folders. Yes, you can configure the Tablet PC version of Windows XP to let you enter text anywhere, but Microsoft Word still thinks that you are using a keyboard and a mouse. Word doesn?t know about gestures like proofreader?s marks?things that are easy to write with a pen but nearly impossible to input with a mouse."

23 June 2004

User Experience Design

User Experience Design: "For me, user experience design is a big hive: a dynamic, multi-dimensional space where there's still plenty of room to build new boxes and draw new arrows, at least for the next ten years."

16 June 2004


worryfreedigitalTM Sony. Engineered to be effortless.

CompUSA Flyer, June 2004

...Don't be surprised if you look for excuses to do the wash! Great design. Great technology. Great for the way you live...

LG Electronics ad on the back of Architectural Digest, June 2004.

10 June 2004

If you want to make software developers squirm, force them to watch people using their software.

At the Eighth International Python Conference, HCI (human/computer interaction) expert Dr. Randy Pausch talked about doing just that for his educational software project, Alice. Patrick Phalen, a developer who attended Pausch’s talk, recalls: “I vividly remember laughing out loud when Randy described the extreme methods they used to get their users to adopt beginner’s mind. They required developers to sit on their hands in chairs behind newbies to observe them gaining familiarity with Alice. They were not allowed to reach over and commandeer the mouse or keyboard.”

Developers who possess deep but tacit knowledge of complex hardware and software environments are notoriously unable to project themselves into the beginner’s mind. Observation is the only way to bridge the gap....

It’s still hard for developers to watch this stuff. We have had a tendency to spare them the pain -- and to sacrifice the gain -- because connecting developers to users in this way has not often been practical. This new generation of tools aims to close that critical feedback loop, thereby helping developers figure out what ease-of-use really means to users.

Jon Udell, "Capturing user experience closes the feedback loop," InfoWorld, 4 June 2004, via Tomalak's Realm

How to survive creative burnout

The longer you work at creating things, whether it’s software, websites, essays or paintings, the greater the odds you’ll hit a day of impenetrable dread. Up until then, you may have heard others describe burnout, but you just shrugged it off as superstition, or perhaps believed yourself immune. But the day it hits you, the world seems suddenly grey. What was once fun and challenging feel stupid and annoying. Or perhaps the things that used to motivate or move you don’t resonate at all. You feel nothing for them.

Scott Berkun, "How to survive creative burnout," UIWEB.com, June 2004 via Tomalak's Realm